The wheat chain is a type of chain in which the chain links are assembled in a particularly characteristic way. In the production of such a piece of jewellery, the individual links are shaped, twisted, arranged and joined together in a way that gives the structure of the chain the detailed appearance of an ear of wheat. This is where the name wheat chain comes from for this particular type of chain. In other types of chain, oval or completely round links interlock and leave a lot of visible space in between. This is not the case with a wheat chain; it closes the space between the links by linking them particularly closely and therefore has an even surface. This also makes it comfortable to wear, as there are no sharp edges or corners resting on the skin, which can be uncomfortable on contact. Wheat necklaces can be made from a wide variety of jewellery materials, from gold and silver to titanium or a wide variety of metal alloys. A wheat chain can be worn by men and women as a standalone piece of jewellery, but may also be complemented by a matching decorative pendant.