
Under the symbol Cu and the atomic number 29, the chemical element copper is listed in the periodic table of the elements. It belongs to the series of transition metals and is salmon pink in colour and metallic in appearance. The name copper comes from the Latin cuprum, which in turn comes from aes cyprium. This term means "ore of Cyprus" and indicates the ancient occurrence of copper. The metal is very soft and can therefore be used in many ways. It also conducts heat and electricity very well. Since only little effort is required to process copper, it could already be used by people 10,000 years ago. Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc that is still frequently used today, was also known in ancient Greece. Copper is used especially in electronic areas, where its high conductivity is used in cables and components. Copper sheets are also used on roofs because their softness makes them easy to float and the metal is well protected by the patina that forms, so that copper roofs have a very long life expectancy. Copper is used in alloys together with gold or silver to give these precious metals more hardness and other colour nuances in jewellery making.

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