The ring sizes are of decisive importance for jewellery production. The individual sizes, which vary from person to person, allow the exact fit of a ring to be specified. In order to determine the size of a ring to be made, the inner diameter of an existing ring with a good fit can be measured with a calliper, which is then multiplied by the circle number Pi to give the circumference. The finger circumference is the decisive information for the ring size. Worldwide, ring dimensions are measured and specified in five different ways: Viennese unification measure, French measure, diameter measure, English measure and American measure. The Viennese unification measure represents the ring size in millimetres. Therefore, the sizes usually range from 40 to 70. French size measurement subtracts 40 millimeters from this value to obtain the final size, so the usual sizes are between 0 and 30. In diameter measurement, the measured circumference is divided by the circle number Pi, resulting in ring sizes between 12.5 and 22.5. The English measure uses letters for the size representation (D=41.5mm, Z=70mm). With the American measure the ring size is indicated in numbers from 1 to 13, whereby each value can be supplemented still with a -.
Ring Sizes
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