Platinum Plating

Platinum plating means that materials are coated with a thin layer of platinum Since platinum is the most valuable precious metal, even before gold, the appearance of platinum and its properties can be preserved in this way at a lower price than if the entire piece of jewellery were made of platinum. Platinum does not tarnish, is harder than gold and, as a rule, does not wear off even when platinum-plated. This means that platinum plating can be used to create a piece of jewellery at an affordable price that has the properties and noble appearance of platinum. The fineness of the platinum-plated material, for example 925 platinum-plated silver, is usually indicated for platinum-plated jewellery. It is known, for example, that the ring under the layer of high-quality platinum is made of the popular sterling silver. If the platinum coating were to wear off, then it is possible that the material underneath would tarnish. However, due to the high durability of a platinum coating, there is only a small chance of this happening.

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