
Beryl is a frequently occurring mineral of the class of silicates and germanates. It forms magmatically, hydrothermally or metamorphically and can be found at numerous sites. Especially South America, Africa and Pakistan are to be mentioned here. The mineral, which develops large crystals with a shiny surface, is clear and colourless in its pure form. Only the addition of further substances allows beryl to take on different colours, so that in addition to the natural colourless or white version, different shades of blue, green, red, light yellow or pink also occur. The beryl group can be divided into aquamarine (blue), red beryl (red), emerald (green), heliodor (yellow), morganite (pink) and goshenite (white) based on the individual colour variants. The high degree of hardness of 7.5 to 8 makes beryl an ideal mineral for jewellery processing.

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