Earrings by lanii
Buy lanii ear jewelry online at THE JEWELLER
Do you still need the right earrings for your outfit? With the ear jewelry of the brand lanii you can easily complete your look. The earrings, studs or creoles are made of 925 silver and there are also models in a gold plated or rose gold plated variant. They are characterized by their price-performance ratio, among other things. Feel free to look around our onlineshop and be inspired by our well-stocked lanii assortment.
Your daily companion - ear jewelry from lanii
lanii is a jewelry brand that may become your new favorite jewelry. The trend brand is characterized by your elegant-feminine creations and the earrings from lanii give every look that final touch. It is very easy to set appealing accents with the ear jewelry from lanii and the graceful designs of the ear jewelry are perfect as a daily companion. The earrings from lanii exude a youthful freshness that will make your look an eye-catcher. The jewelry from lanii focuses on modernity and current trends in its designs. Thus, the latest collections are perfect for modern styles, yet at the same time they have a timeless character. The earrings from lanii are made of high quality 925 silver and most of the earrings are available in silver as well as in a gold plated or rose gold plated version. Due to the simple design of the studs, earrings and creoles, they can be perfectly combined with necklaces, rings and bracelets. THE JEWELLER offers you a wide selection of ear jewelry to accentuate your look. Feel free to look around and choose your new favorite ear jewelry.
Klassisch modern – Ohrringe von lanii kaufen
Frauen, aber auch Männer tragen nicht erst seit kurzem Ohrschmuck, denn die Geschichte der Ohrringe reicht ganz weit zurück in die Vergangenheit. So vermutet man, dass bereits die alten Ägypterinnen Ohrringe trugen, da man Mumien mit Ohrlöchern gefunden hat. Im 16. Jahrhundert wurde der Schmuck dann sichtlich beliebter und das vor allem bei den Herren. So schmückten sich Persönlichkeiten wie Shakespeare mit Ohrringen. In den 1960er Jahren trugen immer mehr Frauen Ohrschmuck, was teilwiese noch verpönt war. Doch das hat die Frauen nicht davon abgehalten sich mit den Ohrringen zu schmücken. Heute ist der klassische Ohrschmuck fast nicht mehr aus der Schmuckwelt wegzudenken. Der Ohrschmuck von lanii ist prädestiniert solch ein täglicher Begleiter zu werden, da die Ohrringe durch ihre klassischen Designs jeden Look perfekt abrunden. Entdecke jetzt bei THE JEWELLER die ansprechende Auswahl an Ohrringen von lanii und führe die Geschichte des Ohrschmucks weiter.
Order earrings from lanii online now
Benefit now from the wide selection of our jewelry online. You have a lot of time in our Onlineshop and can choose your favorite accessories. Especially pleasant is that you are completely independent of opening hours, as well as Sundays and holidays. Is there anything more you want for shopping? If you have found the right lanii earrings for you, you can easily order them online and have them delivered to your home. If you have any questions, you can always contact our team at THE JEWELLER. Otherwise you can find a lot of information about jewelry in our detailed jewelry lexicon or in our magazine. There you can find numerous articles about the world of jewelry.