Total Rating:
5.0 von 5

Schnell Kaputt gegangen

of denise pfaff written on 8/1/2019 9:01:17 PM
1 of 1 Customers think of this review as helpful.

schön aber zu dünn - nach 1 Woche kaputt

of Ninett Fronicke written on 9/6/2019 5:24:54 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

genau wie Beschrieben!

of Katharina D. written on 1/3/2016 3:39:33 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.


of Paul M. written on 11/1/2015 7:45:30 AM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.