Total Rating:
4.8 von 5

Namenskette genau wie angeboten

of Anonym written on 12/6/2015 11:53:44 AM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Sehr schöne Kette

of Denise S. written on 8/20/2014 11:24:55 AM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

super schön

of natasa t. written on 7/27/2014 9:31:20 AM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

ist sehr gut als Geschenk an gekommen

of Sandra B. written on 1/4/2016 2:55:07 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

super schön

of natasa t. written on 7/27/2014 9:31:05 AM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Eine schöne Kette

of Stefania D. written on 6/4/2014 8:05:13 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.