Total Rating:
4.4 von 5

Artikel ist nie eingetroffen

Verifizierter Kauf - of Maikel Christen written on 12/24/2023 12:38:00 PM
2 of 2 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Schöner tragbarer Ring, nur schade das es Ihn nicht in Zwischengrößen gibt

of Frank F. written on 2/19/2013 7:19:08 AM
2 of 2 Customers think of this review as helpful.

sehr Gut

of Frank F. written on 8/18/2013 10:00:23 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Sehr schöne Arbeit die Gravur ist deutlich

Verifizierter Kauf - of Conny Dudeck written on 9/16/2023 4:18:41 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

sehr Gut

of Frank F. written on 8/18/2013 9:59:53 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.


of Anna Zimenkova written on 5/31/2022 4:06:11 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Sehr schön aber schnell zerkratzt

Verifizierter Kauf - of Elisa Zilinski written on 8/14/2022 11:57:03 AM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.