Total Rating:
4.0 von 5

Gute Qualität, günstigerPreis sehr schnelle Lieferung!

of Oswald H. written on 11/3/2013 12:59:10 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Sehr schöne Ringe

of Anonym written on 12/1/2013 7:57:25 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Alles bestens, vielen Dank. Die Ringe sind sehr schön

of Meike E. written on 6/2/2013 9:16:59 AM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.

Qualität mangelhaft, schlechter Service

of Silke Rausch written on 6/10/2020 4:04:43 PM
0 of 0 Customers think of this review as helpful.